Function buildDestinationJsonPrettyStream

Creates a LogLevelStreamEntry stream that writes the raw log data with prettified log line, as either a JSON string or object, to a NodeJs.WriteableStream or Sonic Boom DestinationStream at or above the minimum level

Use this to get raw log data + formatted line rendered by pino-pretty. The prettified line is set to the line key in the object.

WARNING: This is not a fast operation. The log data must be parsed to json before being prettified, which also parses data to json. If you only need raw log data you should pass a plain Passthrough or Transform stream as an additional destination and then JSON.parse() on 'data' event manually.

If used with object: true then

  • the destination cannot be a file or SonicBoom object
  • the destination stream passed MUST be set to objectMode: true
