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As a Service

If you have multi-scrobbler installed locally you can enable it to run as a background service when you login.

Before running as a service you should run it at least once in the foreground to ensure it can start up correctly!


Systemd is system and service manager that is used by most popular linux distros including Ubuntu, Fedora, Pop!_OS, Debian, and Arch.

This setup will create a user service that runs on login.

Create A Unit File

Create a new service file for multi-scrobbler under your HOME config:

mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
touch ~/.config/systemd/user/multi-scrobbler.service

In a text editor add contents below to the file you created, multi-scrobbler.service:


ExecStart=flatpak run io.github.multiscrobbler


The above assumes you installed multi-scrobbler using flatpak

Node.js Installs

If you are running multi-scrobbler directly with nodejs from a clone repository directory you should modify the [Service]:

ExecStart=node src/index.js

Start the Service

Save the file then run:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable multi-scrobbler.service
systemctl --user start multi-scrobbler.service

This will

  • scan for new services and pickup our multi-scrobbler user service
  • enable the service to run at login automatically
  • start the service now

Other Service Methods

Open a PR if you would like to document setting up multi-scrobbler for other service managers!